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  •  April 29, 2021
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Are you feeling good about the basics of facilitating online meetings? Ready to add some pizazz to your next online collaboration? We’ll help you design a plan to support your event’s purpose by using some cool interactive tools.

Facilitators need to learn new, creative ways to engage participants. Many new tools and tricks have emerged in recent months. But, tools and tricks aren’t enough. They’re only valuable when they support the meeting purpose. We’ll help you identify which tools are appropriate where. You’ll learn what tools to use to keep participants engaged and interested.

During this fast-paced session, you’ll use tools and learn new ways to wow participants when:

  • Informing,
  • Seeking Feedback,
  • Brainstorming,
  • Collaborating, or
  • Making a Decision

Goals for Session

By the conclusion of this session, participants should:

  • Develop confidence in utilizing multiple tools simultaneously to enhance meeting goals
  • Experience a variety of tools in various scenarios
  • Apply the online meeting design framework for selecting appropriate tools
  • Assess whether to use tools in various situations


Although not required, we recommend that participants take our Designing Powerful Online Meeting Experiences course first.





Requires internet connected computer.  Headsets are preferred. Call in number will be available for those without headsets.