ToP Facilitation Methods – Leadership Edition

Engage a group in meaningful conversation, reach consensus-based decisions and create actionable plans. Description Whether you are a new or seasoned leader, in this engaging course you will learn creative, fresh and powerful ways to inspire your staff to effectively...

Accelerated Action Planning Online

Learn to energize and align your team to successfully plan a project or event in a matter of hours, in an online environment. The fast and engaging 8-step planning process ensures that all the practical details that make for a successful project are covered and a...

ToP Strategic Planning Online

Weave the powerful ToP Facilitation Methods into an integrated approach to strategic planning for a plan that is realistic, achievable, and easy to monitor. Using Mural as its visual platform (no prior experience with Mural required), this course is delivered in a...

ToP Secrets of Implementation Online

Sustaining a plan, once it has been implemented, can be challenging. Staying on track is difficult, especially when new people are introduced after the plan is developed. This course anticipates the fact that all plans will need adjustments as they are implemented and...

Radical Collaboration

Radical Collaboration is a highly engaging program focused on five core collaboration skills including mindset, soft skills and a toolbox that individuals and teams need to build healthy and effective collaboration with each other.  Location: Rancho Cordova   See...